Kahle policies ‘will free businesses to create more jobs’

To the Editor,

The upcoming primary election offers us a unique opportunity to choose the candidate who will run for state representative in November. Before we vote, we should ask which candidate will best represent us, particularly in the crucial area of encouraging job creation in Lenawee County.

I established a small business 30 years ago in another state and relocated it to Lenawee County three years ago. My strong interest in local prosperity compels me to support Bronna Kahle in the August 2 primary election.

Bronna ran a successful small business in Adrian, providing home care for seniors. She also has a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and an MBA. This background guides her knowledge of what small and large businesses need to grow.

She knows that economic growth helps make a community a good place to live.

Limited government strengthens our economy. Bronna will work to cut red tape and lower taxes for everyone. These efforts will help businesses move to Michigan and hire more employees and let people keep more of the money they earn.

Bronna’s platform also includes improving our infrastructure and education to promote job creation. Roads, bridges, and a quality workforce are some of the basic building blocks for economic growth.

Bronna’s policies will free businesses to create more jobs. That is why I am voting for her to be our next state representative.


David Harris



Tecumseh Herald


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P.O. Box 218
Tecumseh, MI 49286

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