Railroad ‘not respectful’ during funeral procession leaving church

To the Editor,

I was working a funeral on Saturday, Oct. 24, at the Covenant Church on Evans Street. The train came upon the church at the conclusion of the funeral.

We were in the process of getting the procession ready to go to the cemetery and I thought that when the train stopped at Shawnee Street they would, at the very least, send someone to ask how much longer before we would be finished and moving to the cemetery.

As most people know they sound their air horns to let folks know they are crossing an intersection, which is the right thing to do. My problem is that their horn is extremely loud and I was shocked at how disrespectful they were to not at least ask when we would leave.

I am sure that the bereaved were not pleased with their actions. Maybe they didn’t even realize what they did, but to me it is the same as pulling over when a funeral procession goes by on the highway and showing respect for the deceased and their families.

I don’t think that their schedule is so tight they couldn’t have stopped and shown the proper respect for the very short time we needed to conclude and move on to the cemetery. I hope someone in the railroad organization reads this and at least tries to understand my concerns.

Thank you.

Gary Fairbanks



Tecumseh Herald


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