‘Love Local,’ a monthlong digital campaign to support and promote the city’s small business community, is hoping to inspire residents and visitors to join in and highlight the best things about sho
The Reverend Cathi King (l) of First Presbyterian Church of Tecumseh, William Fowle, and Pam Adair hold prizes at a previous chili cook-off event. Submitted photo.
A friendly competition in the form of a chili cook-off will pit members of the First Presbyterian Church of Tecumseh, Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, and Tecumseh United Methodist Church against each o
Tecumseh’s Ashlyn Moorehead sets up for a free throw Friday at Chelsea. Photo by Darby Bullinger.
Tecumseh’s rise to the top of the SEC White has been years in the making and senior guard Ashlyn Moorehead has played a role for much of the journey.
Pictured (l-r) are Tecumseh School Board members Lynne Davis, vice president; Tim Simpson, treasurer; Becky Brooks, secretary; Jacob Martinez, trustee; Greg Lewis, president; Heather McGee and Darin Miller, trustees. Officers and trustees were sworn in to office at Monday’s regular meeting. Photo by Jackie Koch
The Tecumseh Public Schools Board of Education discussed enrollment issues and the sale of the Herrick Park building on Monday night, but first the new officers for 2025 were installed, marking the
Pictured (l-r) are brothers Aaron, Clair and Vern Manwaring. Submitted photo.
Potential gravel mining operations in Raisin Township will be placed on “pause,” at least for the next six months, after the township board voted unanimously Monday to declare a six-month moratoriu
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Tecumseh’s Tyler Clement celebrated his commitment to the Adrian College football team Wednesday at his high school. Photographed left to right: Bridgette, Tyler, Cameron, Taylor Clement. Photo by Jeff Papworth.