Published by Tec. Herald Admin on Wed, 09/18/2024 - 2:02pm
My name is Jacob Willey, and I'm running as a write-in candidate for Tecumseh school board opposing Tim Simpson for the partial term seat. I am running on a platform of saving the arts (including job security for teachers), transparency, and fiscal responsibility.
Published by Tec. Herald Admin on Wed, 09/18/2024 - 2:01pm
Once again, a regular writer to this paper is trying to push off his nonsense to defend a lying convicted felon. And just so you know, Bill Rexton, I am not angry like you obviously appear to be.
Published by Tec. Herald Admin on Wed, 09/18/2024 - 1:59pm
I am writing to express my enthusiastic support for the following candidates running for the Tecumseh School Board: Greg Lewis, Becky Brooks, Tim Simpson, Lynne Davis, Darin Miller, and Joe Kokenakes.
Published by Tec. Herald Admin on Wed, 09/18/2024 - 1:57pm
I attended the meet and greet sponsored by the existing school board members. This was not school board sponsored. I was very disappointed by the public turn-out and by the existing school board. They advertised that all existing board members that were running again would be there.
Published by Tec. Herald Admin on Wed, 09/11/2024 - 12:05pm
Every year on November 11 we remember and honor our military veterans who were and are willing to give their lives in defense of our country. Many have. Most municipalities throughout America recognize the obligation to care for the hallowed ground where veterans and loved ones rest.
Published by Tec. Herald Admin on Wed, 09/11/2024 - 12:04pm
Once again, last week, two regular writers to this paper cherry picked quotes and half-truths to hammer Mr. Trump, while embellishing Kamala’s abilities. And, I’ll ask Ms. Krosnowski yet again: Why are you so angry when someone doesn’t agree with you?
Published by Tec. Herald Admin on Wed, 09/11/2024 - 12:03pm
I am writing to urge common sense decision-making in your vote for President. To clarify, I am not a Republican; I am a free-thinking conservative not easily drawn in by oft repeated lies, and I love and value the USA as founded as a Constitutional Republic.
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