Published by Tecumseh Herald on Wed, 10/27/2021 - 2:30pm
Next week’s General Election on Tuesday, Nov. 2 will determine who will be seated on Tecumseh City Council for two-year terms, which begin at the regularly scheduled council meeting on November 15.
Published by Tecumseh Herald on Wed, 09/29/2021 - 1:39pm
Gary Naugle has been on Tecumseh City Council for at least 14 years, maybe more. He doesn’t exactly remember when he first threw his hat in the ring, but he knows he wanted to be involved in changes to improve the city and the community for its residents and business owners.
Published by Tecumseh Herald on Wed, 08/04/2021 - 1:53pm
A collective bargaining agreement between the city and members of the InternationaUnion of Operating Engineers Local 324 at the Tecumseh water and wastewater plant was approved unanimously by city council on Monday.
Published by Tec. Herald Admin on Wed, 07/28/2021 - 2:16pm
Four candidates will vie for three seats on Tecumseh City Council in the November 2 general election in a race between three incumbents and one challenger.
Published by Tecumseh Herald on Wed, 05/05/2021 - 3:10pm
Tecumseh Mayor Jack Baker apologized Monday after reacting to criticism from local resident Bill Swift who has publicly railed against State Representative Bronna Kahle and Congressman Tim Walberg, both Republicans, for votes taken following the January 6 raid by protestors on the U.S.
Published by Tecumseh Herald on Wed, 12/23/2020 - 12:50pm
Tecumseh City Council ended its last meeting of 2020 with a positive bang Monday with the announcement of a major construction project at the Tecumseh Business and Technology Campus (TBTC); approval of a Planned Unit Development (PUD) for a multi-family residential project; acceptance of a Russel
Published by Tecumseh Herald on Thu, 11/21/2019 - 11:17am
Tecumseh Councilwoman Stephanie Harmon held the breaking vote on Monday in Tecumseh City Council’s decision to purchase the Hamblin Company building at 109 E. Logan St. The company closed in October after 45 years in business.
Published by Tecumseh Herald on Thu, 10/24/2019 - 10:27am
The cost and effectiveness of last winter’s deer cull in Tecumseh led two Tecumseh City Council members on Monday to dissent in a plan for a second deer cull late next winter or early spring.
Published by Tecumseh Herald on Thu, 11/29/2018 - 1:23pm
On Monday, Nov. 19, Austin See’s dream to represent the citizens of Tecumseh on city council came true when he was unanimously appointed by council to fill Gayle Keiser’s vacated seat.
Published by Tecumseh Herald on Thu, 11/01/2018 - 11:02am
Three members on Tecumseh City Council seek to return to their seats in the General Election to be held Tuesday, November 6. Facing the incumbents — Gary Fox, Stephanie Harmon and Ron Wimple — is newcomer Austin Chase.
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Tecumseh’s Tyler Clement celebrated his commitment to the Adrian College football team Wednesday at his high school. Photographed left to right: Bridgette, Tyler, Cameron, Taylor Clement. Photo by Jeff Papworth.