Published by Tec. Herald Admin on Wed, 07/31/2024 - 2:14pm
I write to offer a contrasting opinion to the letter submitted by Mr. Rousselo in the July 25 issue. I agree with the sentiment that we should base our vote for president on issues that truly matter and that the differences between Mr. Trump and Ms. Harris couldn’t be starker.
Published by Tec. Herald Admin on Wed, 07/24/2024 - 3:33pm
I would like to thank all of those who helped make the Bicentennial celebration at the Tecumseh Area Historical Museum a resounding success. The spirit of Tecumseh abounded throughout the weekend.
Published by Tec. Herald Admin on Wed, 07/24/2024 - 3:31pm
At a recent campaign rally in Grand Rapids, former president Donald Trump referred to Vice President Harris as “Laughing Kamala” and called her “crazy.” The crazy thing is that V.P. Harris may have the last laugh. Most polls have her doing better than Biden, and she is just getting started.
Published by Tec. Herald Admin on Wed, 07/24/2024 - 3:31pm
(Editor’s note: The following was spoken by Doug Bird at the dedication ceremony held July 10 for the Kiwanis Bicentennial Clock installed next to Tecumseh City Hall at Adams Park.)
Published by Tec. Herald Admin on Wed, 07/10/2024 - 12:05pm
Absentee ballots went out last week, and you may have noticed that Lenawee’s Congressional representative in the House, Republican incumbent Tim Walberg, has a Democratic challenger, Libbi Urban.
Published by Tec. Herald Admin on Wed, 07/03/2024 - 9:17am
“My parents came from humble backgrounds,” said Marilyn Underhill, daughter of V.C. and Velma Knight. “But, they did well financially and were able to help hundreds of people in their lifetimes.”
Published by Tec. Herald Admin on Wed, 06/26/2024 - 12:28pm
As we celebrate Tecumseh’s bicentennial, we also celebrate the enduring impact of the Lenawee Community Foundation (LCF), established in Tecumseh in 1997. Today, LCF is a philanthropic leader, a trusted giving partner, and a lasting support system for Lenawee County.
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Tecumseh’s Tyler Clement celebrated his commitment to the Adrian College football team Wednesday at his high school. Photographed left to right: Bridgette, Tyler, Cameron, Taylor Clement. Photo by Jeff Papworth.