Published by Herald Sports on Tue, 01/07/2025 - 10:00pm
The Tecumseh boys swim team saw its potential when it won the Southeastern Michigan Independent Swim League relays in December for the first time in 16 years.
Published by Herald Sports on Sat, 01/04/2025 - 7:24pm
The Tecumseh wrestling team kept busy during winter break, competing in individual tournaments at Franklin on December 21 and Roosevelt on Saturday. Plus it participated in the Livonia Stevenson duals on December 28. The outcome of each meet is below.
Published by Herald Sports on Wed, 01/01/2025 - 12:52pm
Tecumseh Little League team wins state title
Tecumseh Little Leaguers experienced a summer memory that will last a lifetime, winning a state title in dramatic fashion on July 25 at Grosse Pointe Farms.
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Tecumseh’s Tyler Clement celebrated his commitment to the Adrian College football team Wednesday at his high school. Photographed left to right: Bridgette, Tyler, Cameron, Taylor Clement. Photo by Jeff Papworth.